In this article, you can discover… How paternity law works in Florida. How to establish your legal rights to care for your biological child. The implications of paternity on child support in Florida. How Is Paternity Generally Established In Florida? Under current Florida law, paternity may be established by simply being listed on a child’s birth certificate as the father,…Read More
In this article, you can discover… What time-sharing between parents means and how it is determined. Whether time-sharing arrangements can be modified later. What happens when a parent violates a time-sharing plan. What Is Time-Sharing And How Is It Defined In The Florida Law? In Florida, the legal concept of time-share takes the place of custody. Public policy in Florida…Read More
In this article, you can discover… The definition of parental responsibility and what it legally entails. How and why parental responsibility is awarded. How to resolve disputes around parental responsibility. What Is Parental Responsibility And How Is It Defined In Florida? Parental responsibility includes healthcare, religious upbringing, extracurricular activities, and any other responsibilities a court finds unique to a particular…Read More
In this article, you can discover… The types of alimony now available in Florida. How each spouse’s earning capacities affect alimony. How an alimony can be modified or terminated. What Are The Different Types Of Alimony Available In Florida? The types of alimony available in Florida include “bridge the gap” alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and durational alimony. “Bridge the gap” alimony…Read More