The Law Offices of Eve McClurg

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(239) 334-4383

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation (239) 334-4383
The Law Offices of Eve McClurg

Any litigation where children are involved can be stressful. The parents need to focus on their child’s safety and well-being. The state of Florida has abolished the terms related to custody, temporary custody, sole custody and visitation. The state of Florida now uses the terms sole parental responsibilityshared parental responsibility with ultimate decision making authority and can establish a time sharing plan.

Protecting Your Parental Rights

Child custody – Parental responsibility is the most important issue a parent faces during divorce. It is important for a child to have time sharing and a relationship with both parents. Unfortunately, some parents will treat the child as a pawn in the conflict between the parents. Our office feels strongly that no parent should be deprived of a relationship with their child by the other parent. You need an attorney committed to protecting your rights to raise your child in a healthy, thriving environment.

We have over 21 years of experience and stand by your side on all issues of child custody and visitation, including:

  • Sole Parental Responsibility or Shared Parental Responsibility
  • Time Sharing
  • Modification of Parental Responsibility and Time Sharing orders
  • Enforcement of Orders
  • Decisions related to religion, education and upbringing of the child
Supplemental Petition for Modification / Post Judgement

In the state of Florida, issues related to parental responsibility, time sharing, or child support can be modified based on a substantial change in circumstances.  For instance, if a parent is not properly caring for the minor child, if there are abuse or neglect issues, the Court can re-examine the case and enter a new order as it relates to the children.  This may include suspended or supervised time sharing until the parent can properly provide for the best interests of the child.  Additionally, if the income of the parties has changed, issues related to child support can be modified.

A party may also need to enforce the Final Judgment by filing a Contempt and Enforcement Motion.  For example, if one party has failed to distribute property or if a party has failed to make payment in accordance to the Final Judgment or Marital Settlement Agreement, the other party has the right to enforce the Order and seek attorney fees and/or criminal sanctions.

Mediation: A Tool For Cooperation

Children are best served when parents maintain a cordial relationship. Through the structured process of mediation, parents can set aside enmity and agree on key points concerning their children. Mediation can be a highly effective tool, helping you preserve your children’s well-being and the stability of their lives during the turbulent process of divorce. The predictability of mediation reduces the stress of child custody conflicts and puts important child-rearing decisions in your hands, rather than in the hands of the court. We expertly guide negotiations towards a settlement that protects your child’s best interests and your parental rights.

When Litigation is NecessaryLitigation may be necessary to protect your children’s best interests. If negotiations fail or the other parent is a danger to your child’s well-being, the courtroom provides an essential forum for establishing your parental rights. The uncertainty of litigation can add to the stress and upheaval of this time. But with an experienced family law attorney from the Law Office of Eve McClurg. by your side, you can feel confident that your that your position will be effectively advocated before the court.

Contact An Experienced Family Law Attorney in Fort Myers ad Lee County Florida

For assistance with a child support or child custody matter, call the Law Office of Eve McClurg at (239) 334-4383 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.

During your consult we will discuss the specific issues related to your unique family and develop a case plan in the best interest of the children. It takes a skilled, aggressive family law attorney to specifically and successfully obtain optimal resolution for each unique client in accordance with their specific goals. Please contact The Law Firm of Eve McClurg, experience you can trust.

Eve McClurg

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(239) 334-4383